
Research Interests

My main research interest is geometric group theory. Some aspects I'm interested in include hyperbolicity and its generalisations, CAT(0) cube complexes, Schreier graphs and, more recently, metric groups (see Section 38.2 of this paper).this paper


Upcoming Talks

  • Algebra Geometry and Topology seminar, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, September 2024.
  • Séminaire de Théorie Ergodique, Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes, September 2024.
  • Séminaire de l'équipe d'algèbre, topologie et géométrie, Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Nice, October 2024.

Past Talks

  • World of Geometric Group Theory (online conference), "A geometric criterion for detecting virtual fiber subgroups", September 2024.
  • International Young Seminar on Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume, "Topology and dynamics on the space of subgroups", May 2024.
  • Seminar: GdT Action ! ENS de Lyon, "Un critère géométrique pour déterminer si un sous-groupe est une fibre virtuelle", March 2024.
  • Conference: Rigidité en théorie des groupes : aspects géométriques et ergodiques, Université Paris-Saclay, "Un critère géométrique pour déterminer si un sous-groupe est une fibre virtuelle", March 2024.
  • Cambridge Junior Geometry Seminar, "Ends of groups and related invariants", February 2024.
  • Bristol Postgraduate Seminar, "Is it trivial? And other difficult problems", December 2023.
  • Oxford Junior Topology and Group Theory Seminar, "Topology and dynamics on the space of subgroups", November 2023.
  • Le séminaire virtuel francophone Groupes et Géométrie, "Topologie et dynamique de l'espace des sous-groupes", September 2023.
  • Conference: Measured Group Theory, Stochastic Processes on Groups and Borel Combinatorics, CIRM Marseille, "Perfect kernels and dynamics: from Bass-Serre theory to hyperbolic groups", May 2023.
  • Bristol Junior Geometry Seminar, "Subgroup spaces and actions on trees", January 2023.